Added list of messages for RISC-OS 3 (including new Message_ModeChange)
Font menu now opened directly by click over font icon
Title of font menu changed according to which icon it applies to
Fonts not found are replaced by Trinity.Medium (should always be available under RISC-OS 3)
Translates 'Fontname.(Regular)' in submenu into 'Fontname'
Translates 'Fontname' where 'Fontname.(Regular)' does not exist in submenu into either 'Fontname.Medium' (by preference) or 'Fontname.<dirname>' where <dirname> is the name of the first sub-directory of font directory containing an 'Outlines' file
i.e. for the following font menu structure:
Atheny => (Regular)
Homerton=> Bold
StarsAnd=> Stripes
GylesSans=> Black.Outline
clicking on 'Homerton' without navigating submenu sets font to 'Homerton.Medium'
clicking on 'StarsAnd' without navigating submenu sets font to 'StarsAnd.Stripes'
clicking on 'Atheny.(Regular)' in submenu sets font to 'Atheny', as does clicking on 'Atheny' without navigating submenu
clicking on 'GylesSans' without navigating submenu sets font to 'GylesSans.Black.Outline'
option1$ and option2$ in PROCmain_menu no longer needed
choice2% no longer needed in PROCmenu_choice
font menu is recreated (in order to tick relevant option), using Message_MenuWarning and PROCmain_click, every time it is opened, including re-opening when menu option selected with ADJUST-click
auto-revise hence no longer required. Lines relating to this option and 'Revise font list' icon removed. The 'auto-revise' setting in old 'Setup' files will be ignored.
Pressing RETURN with cursor in last writable icon of main window now activates 'Print' button
font icons are redrawn on mode change (and fonts replaced if no longer available)
"Name","Address" and "Last line" strings moved into array to make recreation of menus on ADJUST-click more elegant.
!tempanchor% and !fontmenuanchor% sliding blocks removed. New sliding blocks fontmenu% and !indir% added for use of PROCFontMenu.
New procedures PROCFontMenu, PROCcheckfontsOK, FNifthere, FNcorrectfontname and FNfirstindirectory added to end of file.
PROCfonts, PROCassemble_menu, PROClit, PROClight, FNtick, PROCtick, FNgstrans, FNmenstr, PROCsetmenstr no longer used. All deleted from file.
FNcorrectfontname and FNfirstindirectory now deleted and replaced by FNdecodefontmenu.
Calls to Font_DecodeMenu SWI added in PROCmain_menu and PROCmenuchoice - call to Wimp_GetPointerInfo redirected to block%+&100 in order not to corrupt menu selection block before Font_DecodeMenu is called.
Calls to PROCfont_menu_choice are now made with result returned by Font_DecodeMenu instead of choice$ (result returned by Wimp_DecodeMenu SWI).
Changed PROCmain_menu to RETURN the value of choice1%, so that PROCFontMenu(font$(choice1%) now recreates the font menu with the correct font ticked when you ADJUST-click from the main menu.
Checks value of block%!8 in PROCmain_menu so that the program no longer crashes if you click on "Name","Address" or "Last line".